Adopt-a-Family Holiday Gift Drive

This holiday season the KCA arranged a gift drive for local families in need. With the help of our wonderful community residents we were able to check off every item on each family’s wish-list!

A letter from Christine Dombroski - 2021 Adopt-a-Family Coordinator:

“Thank-you very much to all the people who reached out (within Kingsland and outside Kingsland), I was overwhelmed with the generosity of folks who looked beyond themselves to assist families in need. Together we do make a difference, the grateful smiles on the faces of the families that received gifts were of great appreciation.

One mom grabbed her face with relief as we pulled up to deliver the gifts and food hampers. She stated, my son has been asking every day, “Am I going to get a Christmas present?”.

A huge thank-up for Kaitlin, KCA Communications Director, who did her magic gathering names of families, contact information and their wish list; set up the google spreadsheet and link, as well as communicating on social media calling for support for the Adopt-a-Family campaign. Dick, for updating the bold sign board at 75 Ave.  Marko and Hanna, our youth volunteers who loaded gifts and food hampers into the car and delivered them to the families.

A huge shout out to St. Gerard Roman Catholic Parish who jumped in immediately when I asked for food hamper support.  Each of the families received 5 generous bags of groceries with a gift card to a local supermarket.

We supported two large families, a senior and a last-minute admission to the CUPS emergency shelter (a mom and 2 children). A total of 13 people.

I am proud of the folks in Kingsland and our neighboring communities who have a huge heart and are willing to assist when they are called upon.  A huge thank-you to our board of directors who volunteer their time to make our community a fabulous place to live and still reach beyond to assist with families in need.

I hope the families had a wonderful Christmas, filled with surprises and joyfulness.

It has been a pleasure to organize the Adopt-a-Family campaign and meet new people in the neighborhood.”


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