Kingsland Post
The Kingsland Post is the official newsletter of the Kingsland Community Association. It is delivered to over 2,800 households monthly and published by the Kingsland Community Association through Great News Media.
Current and previous issues of The Kingsland Post and other community newsletters are hosted online by My Calgary.
Advertising in the Kingsland Post is an affordable and highly targeted way to reach Kingsland residents and support your community.
All display ads are booked through Great News Media. For questions about advertising rates or to book space, please contact their sales team by phone at: 403-263-3044 or by email at: sales@great-news.ca
Classified and display ad deadline is 5:00pm the 1st day of the month for the next month’s issue.
Do you have a story to tell or wisdom to share with your community?
To submit editorial content to The Kingsland Post please contact our hall manager, Jen at 403-225-1400 or by email at: admin@kingslandcommunity.ca
The deadline for editorial content is the 14th of each month for the next month’s issue.