Frequently Asked Questions
Our Organization & Board of Directors
The Kingsland Community Association (KCA) is a neighbourhood-based volunteer organization that provides recreational and social opportunities for Kingsland residents. We also work to address local issues and advocate for community interests with the City of Calgary and operate the Kingsland Community Hall (505 78 Avenue SW) and related facilities such as the outdoor sports rinks.
The KCA is registered as a society under the Alberta Government Societies Act. As a registered society, our membership elects a Board of Directors to govern the organization.
The Board of Directors is made up of a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve elected directors who volunteer their time and efforts to better our community. The Board of Directors and various sub-committees plan, organize, and execute KCA operations.
The Board of Directors includes the Executive - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and Open Directors. Some Open Directors handle specific portfolios like planning & development or social events and their title may reflect that specialization (e.g. Planning & Development Director).
All board members are elected by the KCA membership at the Annual General Meeting. Each board member must hold an active KCA membership.
The Board of Directors meets at 7pm on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Kingsland Community Hall. All meetings are open to the public.
The KCA is always looking for volunteers and you don’t need to sit on the Board of Directors or a sub-committee to be a volunteer! Occasionally we have positions available on the Board of Directors, however, sub-committees like the Communications, Planning & Development, and Social committees also have volunteer opportunities for those who are looking to get involved more regularly. Seasonal/one-off volunteer opportunities are available as well for certain events and initiatives as needed.
Visit our Get Involved page for up-to-date information on our KCA volunteer opportunities, or email us at admin@kingslandcommunity.ca to express your interest in volunteering and we will help find a position that is right for you!
A sub-committee is a group of resident volunteers that work together on some specific area of operations related to the KCA. Each sub-committee includes at least one KCA board member who is responsible for reporting back to the Board at monthly Board meetings.
Sub-committees develop plans and budgets that they present to the Board for approval and then execute Board-approved initiatives. Resident volunteers do not need an active KCA membership to participate in sub-committees.
The KCA has the following sub-committees:
Communications Committee - plans and creates content for KCA social media channels and e-newsletter and maintains the KCA website
Planning & Development Committee - reviews Kingsland development permits against the Kingsland Community Plan and provides input on planning and development matters in our neighbourhood
Social Committee - plans and coordinates KCA annual and special events
Succession Committee - addresses turnover on the Board of Directors by recruiting and onboarding new directors
To express your interest in joining a sub-committee or to get more information about a sub-committee, send us an email at admin@kingslandcommunity.ca
KCA memberships can be purchased online, in-person, or by mail. The KCA membership year is from July 1 to June 30 each year and you can renew your membership online as early as May 16.
If purchasing online, you will have to sign in to (or sign up for) your free Kingsland Community Association account, select your membership type, and complete your purchase via credit card.
To purchase your membership offline*, first print and complete our Membership Form. From there you may choose to either drop off your completed form and payment at our secure drop-box (located at the front door of the Kingsland Community Hall) or mail your completed form and payment to us at 505 78 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2V 0T3. We accept cash, cheque, credit card, and e-transfer payments.
*Note: All offline membership purchases will still be registered for an online Kingsland Community Association account.
Your free, online KCA account allows you to manage your membership (if you have one), sign up for volunteer opportunities, programs, and events, and book hall rentals.
If you need help accessing your online Kingsland Community Association account, contact us for assistance.
Benefits of KCA membership include hall rental discounts, perks from participating local businesses, and a vote at the Annual General Meeting for eligible membership types (Individual, Family, and Senior). In addition to this, revenue from your membership purchase helps to support a community-wide range of events, programming, and facilities for all of us to enjoy. For more information, visit our Memberships page.
No, we’ve gone paperless! You can access your electronic membership card anytime you need it via your Kingsland Community Association account. You can also print the electronic copy of your membership card from your online account if that is more convenient for you. If you need a copy of your membership card and are unable to access your online account or don’t have an online account, send us an email at admin@kingslandcommunity.ca and we can help!
Not the answers you were looking for?
Send us an email or give us a call at (403) 255-1400 and we will get you more information.