Planning & Development
Kingsland School Site Demolition
Built in 1958, the Kingsland School served its community until 2007, when its function as a school ended. For the next 12 years, it was used by the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) for various administrative purposes. In November 2020, Alberta Education declared the Kingsland School a surplus school and it was closed. It has been vacant since summer 2020.
Because it’s located on Municipal and School Reserve land, The City of Calgary took on ownership of the Kingsland school building and its property.
Since the building was accepted into The City’s facility portfolio in April 2021, extensive steps have been taken to assess its condition and its potential for future use. Comprehensive investigations confirmed extensive roof damage, a deteriorating building envelope, and the presence of mould requiring occupants to wear an N-95 mask for health purposes.
The facility is no longer safe for inhabitants and its repair is not functionally or financially feasible.
Based on the building condition and thorough consideration of the investment required to repair it, The City has determined that the Kingsland school facility is at the stage of its lifecycle that demolition is the optimal solution.
The decision to decommission a building is based on key factors including health and safety for occupants, lifecycle considerations, current building condition, the facility’s ability to meet an intended purpose, and the required investment.
The existing green space on this site will remain. The City will continue to provide snow and ice control, mowing and tree care on the site.
The two Kingsland School property playgrounds are nearing the end of their lifecycle in terms of structural stability, and they will be removed at the time of building demolition.
Building and playground demolition is targeted for summer 2023. The City anticipates that the demolition process will be complete by early fall 2023. Following building and playground demolition, the land will be returned to green space.
At this time, no future plans for the land where the school currently stands have been established. Moving forward, the City of Calgary will explore a variety of feasible options for the future of this Municipal and School Reserve land.
The Kingsland Community Association is committed to working with the City of Calgary as potential options for this site are explored and will advocate on behalf of the community to maintain and enhance the green space.
February 2024 Update
The updated demolition schedule is as follows:
Scaffolding inside the school is planned for removal on February 5th, 2024.
Demolition is anticipated to commence on February 6th, 2024.
Heavy equipment has arrived on-site.
Cutbacks/capping will be completed following demolition completion.
At this point:
Demolition planned start & completion: Q1 2024
Landscaping planned completion (weather dependent): Q2 2024
Kingsland School site at 75th Ave SW
Looking for More Information?
UPDATE - Land Use Amendment at 7304 Elbow Drive SW
Update Regarding Land Use Amendment
The applicant withdrew their application for land use amendment on this location and it is not anticipated they will re-apply. Thank you to those who submitted their feedback and concerns on this development permit and attended the open house.
Background and Open House Details
An open house was held on November 15 at the Kingsland Community Hall for residents to provide feedback to the developer of a lot at 7304 Elbow Drive SW.
KCA has not been supportive of the proposed commercial land use or ocular clinic proposed at this location. The site is located mid-block in predominately residential area, and is only serviced by a lane. We believe there are many vacant commercial properties in the area that are well suited for what is proposed, and that intruding into a residential area with a commercial use sets a precedent for similar development in the future. This proposed development is also not in line with the spirit of the discussions, mapping, policy, and engagement that has taken place through the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan development.
For your reference and background, we have included the two responses regarding this application, which have already been provided to The City of Calgary by Kingsland Community Association. We have also included the original application circulation package that was provided by The City/developer.
Kingsland Community Association, Board and Planning Committee Members
Proposed mid-block development site
Associated Materials
Monarch Retirement Community Development Update
A letter from the Monarch Retirement Communications team on project timeline disruptions and resuming work on the development site:
“The Monarch Retirement Community team is pleased to provide an update on our project, Monarch Retirement Community, a boutique seniors independent living residence located at 7625 7th St SW.
We continue to work with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) MLI Select Program and have been working with our assigned underwriter on our submission. However, due to changing guidelines and a slow response from CMHC, we have engaged our mortgage broker to bring the project to other lenders as we await a definitive response from CMHC.
Additionally, we are in the final stages of partnering with a major senior housing operator who is excited about the project, particularly given its location in the Kingsland community. This partner will be providing some financing for the project, with the intention of purchasing the Monarch once it opens. This partnership will be beneficial as we continue to pursue the CMHC MLI Select Program or an alternate lender.
We remain confident that we will begin construction in 2024. We are excited to be part of the Kingsland community and thank you for your continued patience.
Please visit our website at https://monarchretirement.ca/ for more information about our project.”
- Monarch Retirement Community
June 19, 2024
Heritage Communities Local Area Plan
The Kingsland ‘My Idea Station’ located at the Community Hall.
On September 19, 2023, Council approved the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan with a 14-1 vote.
The HLAP is the result of over three years of engagement with participants including youth, seniors, residents, business owners, community association and development industry representatives, and a dedicated and diverse working group. Feedback provided by participants throughout the process helped shape and refine the Plan that was brought forward to Council.
The HLAP sets out the vision and policies to guide growth, change and investment over the next 30 years in the communities of Kelvin Grove, Eagle Ridge, Chinook Park, Kingsland, Haysboro, Southwood, Willow Park, Maple Ridge, Acadia, and Fairview; and, three Industrial Communities (Fairview Industrial, East Fairview Industrial, and Glendeer Business Park). In addition to policies directing how land can be used and redeveloped in the area, the Plan identifies community improvements and investments to support communities as they experience growth and change.
With the approval of the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan, there is now direction on future development, investment and community improvements that residents, landowners, builders/developers, City Planners and Councillors can commonly refer to when new development and investment ideas are proposed.
The Plan aims to support the area as it evolves by: better connecting the Heritage Communities; fostering vibrant Transit Station Areas; increasing housing choice; enhancing parks, open spaces and natural areas; and revitalizing the Macleod Trail South Area.
For full information about The Heritage Communities Local Area Planning, visit the engagement page at https://engage.calgary.ca/heritage
The Kingsland Community Plan was adopted in October 2009 at the Annual General Meeting and most recently updated in October 2017. The Plan will guide Board decisions regarding future development in Kingsland, and will be given to developers prior to submitting an application to The City of Calgary.
Want to get involved?
The Kingsland Community Association has a dedicated subcommittee of resident volunteers who review development proposals in our neighbourhood, engage the community for input, and provide feedback to developers and The City when necessary. If you are interested in joining the Kingsland Planning Committee or sitting in on a meeting, get in touch with us at admin@kingslandcommunity.ca
Kingsland Community Plan & Planning Committee
Partners in Planning Program
Have an interest in learning more about the planning system in Calgary?
“The Partners in Planning program (PIP) is a free, award-winning certificate program offered by the Federation of Calgary Communities in partnership with The City of Calgary. The program is geared towards helping community association planning volunteers and the public to develop skills for effective participation in the planning process.”
Residents who want to expand their knowledge of planning and design in our city can take courses through the Federation of Calgary Communities to obtain their Partners in Planning Certificate. There is no time restriction to complete the required coursework (3 core courses and 1 elective) and there is no limit to the number of courses you can take or retake.