Graffiti Vandalism

Graffiti Vandalism is the act of marking or defacing a premises or other property without permission. Simply, it’s vandalism, it’s costly and it’s illegal. In Calgary, graffiti vandalism is a crime where offenders may receive fines of up to $5,000 and serve up to two years in jail.

The offenders do not need to be caught in the act of vandalism to be charged. However, if you see someone actively engaging in graffiti vandalism, call 911.

How Graffiti Hurts Our Community

The condition of our public spaces in Kingsland is a direct reflection of our residents’ commitment to the care and upkeep of our community. Kingsland is a vibrant, thriving community in which our members take pride. However, Graffiti, when not removed, becomes an eyesore that ruins the natural and architectural beauty of our community.

The negative perception of graffiti vandalism also decreases property values and is a visible lack of respect for other people’s property. It hurts individuals and identifiable groups when it contains discriminatory or hateful messages. Often words are profane, obscene, and offensive, which can be harmful to those who see it. What’s more, graffiti when left unchecked, attracts further vandalism as well as other crimes. Its presence suggests that residents don’t care about their community, and that the area is not safe.

Graffiti is not only damaging to our communities, but it’s costly! The obvious financial cost associated with clean up takes its toll not only on the City of Calgary, but on property owners who are responsible to cover the expense of the removal. Note: If you are reporting graffiti on your own property, you may also want to take advantage of the Private Graffiti Abatement Program.

Doing your Part - Report It

When graffiti is seen in our community, you should record the following information so it can be reported:

  • Is the graffiti is located on public or private property?

  • The exact address of the nearest intersection.

  • What the graffiti says or resembles (includes phrases, paint colour, etc.).

  • Where on the property or parcel of land is the graffiti located (refer to identifiable landmarks if possible).

If you see a Graffiti Vandalism Crime in progress, call 911. Otherwise, report existing graffiti by submitting an online report to 311. This ensures that the graffiti will be cleaned up and investigated.

A Final Note

After recording and reporting any graffiti, it should always be removed within 24 to 72 hours of its appearance. When left longer, the location can attract additional attention from other vandals. We can all be a part of the solution by stopping this form of vandalism in our community. Simply, report any Graffiti when you see it – you'll be glad you did.

To learn more about preventative measures you can take against graffiti vandalism, visit the City of Calgary Graffiti Webpage


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