Avoiding ‘Warm-Up’ Theft

The Grinch Who Stole My Car…

It’s that time of year when the frigid temperatures of the North come down to greet us - Brrrrr! Braving the cold winter weather means vehicles are often left to warm up unattended with keys in the ignition. Although it’s tempting on those chilly days to stay inside where it’s warm or leave your car running while you run inside the store, realize that any idling vehicle can become a target for thieves.

A crime of opportunity

Police say it can take less than 30 seconds for someone to steal your vehicle - it’s known as a “Crime of Opportunity”. There are thieves who cruise around neighbourhoods, scouting homes, convenience store and coffee shop parking lots, looking for those ‘easy targets’ - those vehicles left running and unattended. According to Calgary Police reports, over 16 vehicles were stolen while left idling and unattended in December of 2021 These kinds of preventable thefts contribute to the high rates of auto theft in Calgary, not to mention the possibility of an increase in your insurance rate.

Why Was My Vehicle Stolen?

Looking at what drives these targeted thefts, it could simply be to stay warm or go for a joyride. It could also be the valuables left in an unlocked vehicle that attracted the thieves. Often these easy-to-steal vehicles are targeted for use in criminal activities including robberies, break-and-enters, or other drug-related crimes.

Stopping the Grinch

Theft of your vehicle is often preventable by following these recommendations:

  • Never leave your idling vehicle unattended.

  • If you don’t have heated seats, consider investing in a Seat Warmer to keep you warm.

  • If using a remote starter, keep your vehicle locked.

  • Never leave your valuable items in your car, or at least, not in plain view.

  • Never leave spare your keys or garage door openers in or around your vehicle.

  • Use a steering wheel lock as a deterrent.

  • Have an anti-theft device installed, like a well-hidden Kill Switch which disrupts the flow of electricity to the starter motor, ignition, and the fuel pump, thus immobilizing your vehicle.

In addition, always keep an eye out for suspicious activity such as:

  • Strangers loitering or walking aimlessly around or those who are seemingly out of place.

  • Unknown persons checking vehicles.

  • Unfamiliar vehicles with multiple occupants parked nearby, or vehicles driving up and down your street multiple times.

If you see suspicious activity, it’s important to report it to police by calling 403-266-1234. However, should you witness a crime in progress, such as a vehicle being stolen, immediately call 911. Provide as much descriptive information as you can and always remember, approaching a suspect or chasing a stolen vehicle is never safe.

In conclusion, be ever mindful that Crimes of Opportunity are Preventable! Never leave your motor vehicle running with the keys in the ignition, unsecured or unattended - not even for 30 seconds. Let’s be honest, getting into a cold car is a small price to pay compared to having no car! Here in Kingsland, we can all do our part. Warm up your car securely this winter to avoid theft and have a happy and safe new year!


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